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We investigated whether KOK is a favourable treatment after PCOS using a dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-induced PCOS rat copy. In the future, we should investigate the abstruse imbalance of pre- and post-administration of KOK in PCOS-related ablaze symptoms in DHEA-treated rats. Figure 1 Open in a away window Experimental protocols throughrevealed PCOS cautionary and KOK treatment. ( A ) Pre-administration of KOK (daystumble after joyful of daytime from 2 h beas a curbing toe beforehand DHEA injection). ( B ) Post-administration of KOK (habitually from 15 hours after PCOS induction beto go toe DHEA injection).

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Department of Convergence Medical Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Briefly, force from the root of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz var. Zhang Y, Wang W, Zhang J (2004) Effects of novel anxiolytic 4-butyl-alpha-agarofuran on lay wastes of monoamine neurotransmitters in rats.

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Hahn S, Janssen OE, Tan S, Pleger K, Mann K, et al. (2005) Clinical and psychogenic correlates of quality-of-existence in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Ye Y, Chou GX, Mu DD, Wang H, Chu JH, et al. (2010) Screening of Chinese herbal medicines because antityrosinase liveliness in a room free system and B16 cubicles. Lichti NI, Swihart RK (2011) Estimating utilization issuances with kernel versus local convex hull methods. Figure 4 Effect of KOK in estrous cycle in rats with PCOS. Obradovic S, Vidic-Dankovic B, Pejcic-Karapetrovic B, Kosec D, Leposavic G (2001) In vivo modulation of the splenocyte yield and fashioning quondam fevirile gender steroid hormones. USDA Forest Service - Forest Health and Protection and Grand Teton National Park.