Application Fee


Do I need to pay Project Citizenship to submit an application?

No, our services are completely free! Any fees you need to pay are charged by the U.S. government.

What is the charge for the Form N-400, Application for Naturalization?

The total application fee for the Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, is $760 which includes the biometrics fee.

How much does USCIS charge for the N-600, Application for the Certificate of Citizenship?

The application fee for the Form N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship, is $1,385.

How do I pay the application fee?

The application fee can be paid for by money order, bank check, personal check, or credit card.

Where can I get a money order?

You can purchase a money order at a bank, post office or currency exchange. Some convenience stores may also offer money orders.

To whom should I write the check/money order?

The check or money order should be made out to “U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” Spell it out completely. On the memo line of the check, you should write the applicant’s name and A-number (found on the applicant’s green card; it is sometimes also called the USCIS number).

What happens if my check bounces?

If your personal check bounces, USCIS will generally give you a second opportunity to pay the application fee. USCIS will mail a notification to you that the check bounced and will provide you with an additional 14 days to submit the new payment. This can delay your case processing time, so we recommend using a money order or bank check instead.

When will my credit card or bank account be charged?

USCIS will charge your account after it has received and processed your application, which will likely be 2-4 weeks after your application has been mailed.

If my application is denied, can I get a refund from USCIS?

No. Once your application has been accepted by USCIS, there is no way to get a refund. Service fees are final and non-refundable.

I cannot afford the application fee. What do I do?

· If you are not able to afford the application fee, you may be eligible for a fee waiver.

· If you receive a public benefit, such as food stamps or Medicaid, or if your household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, you may qualify for a total fee waiver and will not have to pay any fee.

· If your income falls between 150% and 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, you may qualify for a partial fee waiver and will have to pay $405 (this combines a reduced $320 filing fee with the $85 biometrics fee).

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