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Meet Our Partners

Project Citizenship works with other organizations, companies, and government agencies to address the complex naturalization process in Massachusetts and beyond.

Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support and more are helping build stronger, more resilient immigrant communities.

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)

Since 1969, has been a vital presence in Greater Boston and beyond, empowering Asians and new immigrants to build healthy families, achieve greater economic success, and contribute to thriving communities.

Brockton Public Schools

is the school district of Brockton, Massachusetts, United States. The Brockton Public Schools is the fifth largest school district in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and proudly serves among the most diverse student populations in the state.

The Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association of Greater Lowell, Inc.

(CMAA) was incorporated as a not-for-profit Massachusetts corporation in 1984. It has been granted 501(c) (3) status by the Internal Revenue Service.

City of Cambridge

Jewish Family Service of Metrowest (JFS)

is a nonprofit, community-based organization dedicated to Accelerating Social, Academic and Health Equity. Providing services to over 7,800 people in need within the Metrowest and Greater Boston regions each year

Health Ministry USA

Provides substantial opportunities to promote Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellness. To create health education programs, physical activities, and disease prevention. Empowering people, by addressing the social determinants of health.

Lawrence CommunityWorks (LCW)

is a community development corporation that weaves together community planning, organizing, and asset-building efforts with high-quality affordable housing and commercial development.

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA)

is a dynamic and multi‐ethnic coalition with 140+ organizational members, including grassroots community organizations; refugee resettlement agencies; providers of social, legal and health services, faith-based organizations and civil and human rights advocates.

Massachusetts Service Alliance (MSA)

builds the organizational capacity of hundreds of Massachusetts nonprofits, schools, and agencies annually through funding, training, and resources centered on volunteerism and service.

Middlesex Community College

Is a public community college with two campuses in Massachusetts, one in Lowell and the other in Bedford.


is located in Quincy and offers multilingual outreach services, including access to healthcare, childcare, public school, and tax assistance. Project Citizenship is proud to offer citizenship services to QARI students and the Quincy communities.

Quincy Public Library

is a city library in Quincy, Massachusetts. It is noted for its architecture. It was funded by the Crane family as a memorial to Thomas Crane, a wealthy stone contractor who got his start in the Quincy quarries.


is a diversified global healthcare leader, focused on developing products that meet the health needs of people. We have extensive lines of prescription medicines and vaccines, as well as consumer health products.

City of Somerville

Suffolk University

is a private research university in Boston, Massachusetts. With 7,560 students on all campuses, it is the tenth-largest university in metropolitan Boston. It was founded as a law school in 1906 and named after its location in Suffolk County, Massachusetts.