Success Stories

Meet some of our amazing former clients who have successfully become U.S. citizens with the support of Project Citizenship. These are just a few stories that show the strength and determination of our clients.


Read words of gratitude from individuals who have achieved U.S. citizenship with the support of Project Citizenship. These words reflect the appreciation of those we’ve had the privilege to assist.

“I want to thank the entire staff at Project Citizenship for the hard work that you have done for me. I am now a citizen and truly grateful for the help. Without your help, it wouldn’t be possible.”




“I first give thanks to God and then to you all. I passed my citizenship interview!”

Dominican Republic

“To all who worked on my process from your team, thank you so much!!! I am now an American citizen and cast my 1st vote in this year’s election.”


“My wife Hanifa and I would like to express to you and your colleagues at Project Citizenship our gratitude for your assistance, your kind welcome in your offices as well as your advice since the beginning of the citizenship application process.”


“I want to thank you guys for making this process so easy and enjoyable for me. Thank you for all your help. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.”

Dominican Republic

“You guys helped me fill out the citizenship application form and I am very grateful for that. I went yesterday to my interview, and I passed, I was able to do the ceremony that same day as well. Thank you for everything!!”

Dominican Republic

“We are so thankful for you all and your team for your help that you offered my parents. Today they achieved their dream of becoming American citizens thanks to your good work and dedication. We are so happy. Again, thank you and many blessings to everyone.”

Dominican Republic

“I passed the citizen test and now I am a U.S. citizen. Thanks for everything.”



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