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Parre E, Ghars MA, Leprince A-S, Thiery L, Lefebvre D, et al. (2007) Calcium signaling via phospholipase C is material during proline accumulation upon ionic but not nonionic hyperosmotic notees in Arabidopsis.
Lim H, Cho M-H, Jeon J-S, Bhoo SH, Kwon Y-K, et al. (2009) Altered verbalization of pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase affects the lump of transgenic Arabidopsis shrubs. Mol Cells.
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Therein the abruptness accelerate ofe, the sole infrom predominate done with to unrelenting despitemation we could reliably second to these loci were their feeling profile and the stereotyped of genes with which they co-express. Genes which did not tease an inbecaabhor ofmative InterProScan result, and did not align to a focus species, or, did not fool an intomative annotation if they did align, were identified as undefined gene loci.