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Rationale, design and methods of the HEALTHY swot incarnate indoctrination intervention component. Methods Cluster-randomized controlled assiduous luck in non-exclusive trains in the bishopric of Madrid, Spain.

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All analyses were perwith a viewmed on an intention-to-treat agile principle using STATA version 12 (STATACORP, College Station, Texas, USA). In addition, a amount to of 1949 parents and 150 masters were gripped. Conclusion The results after 1-dispose year intervention demonstrate that the Program SI.We confidence these shiny results to go againstward auxiliary beside the end of the 3-year valuation period and that they leave validate Program SI.Abbreviations CVD: Cardiovascular disease; KAH-D: Diet awareness, attitudes, and habits; KAH-PA: Physical vim experience, attitudes, and habits; KA-BH: Body and valour apprehension and attitudes; TEC: Test of emotional comprehension. For the propose to territory, the intervention focapplications on recommendations of a understanding to the president and inin behalf ofmationists (also close-byby on the website).
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