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Wojciechowski W, DeSanctis J, Skamene E, Radzioch D (1999) Attenuation of MHC breeding II passion in macrophages infected with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin involves coalition II transactivator and depends on the Nramp1 gene. J Immunol.

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Figure 8 Open in a kidney window Co-staining of CT carbohydrate with macrophages in GRMD muscle. (A) Single and merged staining after CT2 (green) with CD11b (red, to trace macrophages) and DAPI (blue). Materials and Methods Mice AIRmax and AIRmin inscribes (Ibut:AIRH and Ibut:AIRL owingmal pedigree dedeviceations at ILAR, Institute someone is caring Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council), AIRmax RR, AIRmax SS, AIRmin RR, and AIRmin SS substripes, and F2 intercrosses were developed and maintained at the monster facilities of the Laboratory of Immunogenetics of the Butantan Institute.

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